Someone please tell me why homophobia still exists?!

   This flag (like to many others) means a lot to me. Some may say it is only a flag, a mere congregation of colours; but this flag represents who I am. I am an out lesbian woman and I am so proud and happy that I can openly discuss my sexuality without feeling scared or threatened. This unfortunately is not the case for so many LGBTQ individuals, which is really disappointing.

We have obviously come a long way with LGBTQ rights from a few decades ago, but there is still so much that needs to be done! It has only in recent years become legal for myself to even get married! Why has it taken so long? How are gay people ruining the sanctity of marriage when you get people like Kim f**king Davis who is BREAKING THE LAW disallowing marriage licences to gay people and has been married four times herself!? Was one marriage not enough? I mean surely somewhere in the ultimate book of fantasy (The Bible) it states somewhere that divorce is ‘sinful’. Yet gays are still ruining the sanctity of marriage, hypocrisy ladies and gentlemen, in all its glory.

Homophobia is still alive and well and I just can’t understand its purpose or its reasoning. I may be called biased because I am myself a lesbian, but I don’t hold such hate towards straight people. I don’t judge and discriminate towards straight people. I will judge someone for being  an asshole yes, but for being straight, no. It makes no sense to discriminate people based on their sexuality, just as much as it makes no sense discriminating against people based on race, gender, age, disability etc. It’s just who people are, why can people not just accept it and move on?

Being an atheist, the whole God argument doesn’t wash with me. You can’t tell me that I am an abomination because you choose to believe some fiction written thousands of years ago. Fiction that is so full of contradictions I don’t even know where to start! People choose to point out ‘man shall not lay with man as he would with a woman’ (or however it goes) yet do not listen to all the murdering, raping and torture which drenches itself all through the bible. The selling and raping of women is just ignored is it? The mind boggles when I try and understand how people can believe in this trash when we live in a world so full of scientific discovery.

I have myself been subject to mild homophobia, I can handle it, but it still should not be an issue, even if it is only mild. People die from this and it’s just not right! If someone could give me a legitimate reason why being gay is ‘wrong’ I’d love to hear it, I really would…

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